The World of Color show debuted at Disney California Adventure Park in June 2010 and takes place on Paradise Bay. It is a nighttime water show that features Disney and Disney-Pixar characters projected on a water screen. The show lasts for 28 minutes and also includes fire, dancing water fountains and laser effects. There are […]
Should You Buy a Walt Disney World Annual Pass?
If you plan on visiting Walt Disney World more than a few times per year and spend more than $600 on your park ticket then consider purchasing a Walt Disney World Annual Pass. With an Annual Pass not only will you enjoy park hopping and no blockout days but you can also take advantage of […]
Two Words: Rope Drop
As a Disney travel agent, people always ask me, “when is the best time to go to Walt Disney World?” Sure, crowds are lower at off-peak times than Christmas or Spring Break. But you can make the most of your Walt Disney World visit ANY time of year by remembering two simple words, “Rope Drop.” […]