The World of Color show debuted at Disney California Adventure Park in June 2010 and takes place on Paradise Bay. It is a nighttime water show that features Disney and Disney-Pixar characters projected on a water screen. The show lasts for 28 minutes and also includes fire, dancing water fountains and laser effects. There are over 1,200 fountains and they shoot water 200 feet into the air.
Attractions surrounding Paradise Bay are also included in the show. Be sure to keep an eye on Mickey’s Fun Wheel and California Screamin’ during the show. Throughout the year there are some changes made to the show to promote upcoming movies or the season.
Fast Passes & Dining Packages
To access the reserved viewing areas at Paradise Pier for all showtimes you will need a Fast Pass. You can obtain a Fast Pass at the machines near Grizzly River Run. However, even if you have a Fast Pass you will still need to arrive early to claim your viewing spot especially if you want to be towards the front.
Those sitting in front may get a little bit wet so pick your spot carefully if you do not wish to get splashed on.
The World of Color Dining packages offer you the choice of dining at one of three restaurants. In return for dining there you will receive a voucher that reserves your spot in the Paradise Park preferred World of Color viewing area.
Each World of Color Dining Package includes a full-service, 3-course (starter, entrée and dessert) meal from a prix-fixe menu during lunch and/or dinner (depending on the location) from one of these restaurants:
Advance reservations for the World of Color Dining Package are highly recommended and can be made up to 60 days prior to your visit. Call (714) 781- DINE (3463) to make your reservation.
Glow with the Show Ears
You can purchase special Mickey ears for $25 + tax that will light up to the beat of the music during the World of Color. I have actually worn my ears while taking the kiddos Trick or Treating around the neighborhood and everyone got a kick out of them. These special ears also work at these locations around Disneyland Resort.
Disney California Adventure Park
- Mad T Party
- Select Cars Land locations, like Luigi’s Flying Tires
- World of Color
- Fun Wheel Challenge
Disneyland Park
I hope you get a chance to experience the World of Color on your next trip to Disneyland Resort. For the World of Color FAQ’s click here.